Knowing how to wash a surf wetsuit is one of the first things to learn out of the water to enjoy this sport. Taking care of your surfing equipment is important for your comfort, safety, and to prolong its useful life.

In the case of surf wetsuits, you need to know how to handle this material to keep it fresh, clean, odor-free, and in perfect condition for a long time. Doing it this way, you’ll feel more comfortable and it will be better preserved.

How to clean a surf wetsuit

You won’t always need to wear the wetsuit, but it’s your best ally for surfing in cold waters. Treating it properly will help you enjoy this sport in that conditions. Start this sport with beginner surf courses in Corralejo on and have fun surfing whenever you can.

Wash and rinse the surf wetsuit after each use

Doing this makes the job easier, improves the result, and keeps the fabrics and seams in perfect condition for longer.

Keep in mind that sand, sun, and especially salt when it dries deteriorate the wetsuit. Therefore, whenever you can, rinse yourself standing with the wetsuit on in fresh water, for example using a beach shower or a basin with water.

Then, at home or at your accommodation, rinse the wetsuit with fresh water. Try to do it as soon as possible, remembering that the inside of the wetsuit is as important as the outside. If you managed to rinse the outside first, once you get home, you’ll only need to rinse the inside.

Hang the wetsuit inside out to dry without deforming It

Just as it is very important to know how to wash the wetsuit, it is equally important to know how to dry it properly. The simplest way is to hang it halfway, at waist height, so that the upper half stays on one side of the plastic or wooden hanger or the rope you hang it on and the lower half on the other side.

Do not hang it by the feet or ankles, nor by the shoulders. Also, do not hang it on metal hangers or fences.

After a few hours, turn the wetsuit to dry it completely. Try not to leave it outside overnight as it may become damp or wet the next morning.

Whenever possible, air dry the surf wetsuit

It’s better to choose a shaded spot and, if possible, with a breeze, rather than in direct sunlight. Sun rays are more harmful as they break down the neoprene, so even if it’s not as quick, it’s better to dry it in a shaded area.

However, never use an iron to speed up drying! Another mistake to avoid is putting the wetsuit in the dryer. Don’t do it!

Washing the surf wetsuit for better preservation: a periodic task

If you surf daily, it is advisable to thoroughly wash your wetsuit about once a month. This will increase its lifespan and prevent bad odors.

It’s very simple. On the day you decide to wash the surf wetsuit, after the initial rinse, do another rinse in cold fresh water with a soap, gel, or detergent specific for neoprene. It’s a product you can find in any surf shop. Follow the instructions and do an additional rinse for a better result.

Never use dishwashing detergent or laundry detergent as they contain components that could damage the neoprene.

Squeeze without compressing the surf wetsuit too much and dry it as already indicated in the previous points.

How to wash the surf wetsuit in the washing machine without damaging It

You might be surprised, but yes, it is possible to wash the surf wetsuit in the washing machine. As long as you follow the rules for caring the material. Do it only when it is really necessary and not as a habit. Always use a short washing program with cold water and never, under any circumstances, add detergent.

Also, never let the washing machine spin with the wetsuit inside. Do not insert other clothes together with the wetsuit and dry it as already indicated in the previous points.

How to wash and dry neoprene booties for surfing

Rinse them with fresh water and roll the upper part to turn them inside out. If you use them daily, wash them every two weeks with neoprene soap.

Now your wetsuit is ready for surfing! With these tips, you’ll keep it in good condition for much longer.