Even if you go to an excellent surf school, not all your learning will depend on your instructors, there are also important aspects that depend totally on you and in this article we will talk about them so that you can improve your technique and surf level, discover our top 7 tips to improve your surfing level!

You learn from all the waves

Don’t feel bad when a wave throws you into the water since each fall and each wave will teach you something new, also that will teach you to adapt and get a quick solution to each situation.

Surf accompanied

If you surf with people better than you, you can observe their technique and you will see how they manage to get out of that tube that seems impossible to you, or they could directly give you advice to achieve it.

Practice Skate

In the Skate Carver tables, movements and turns are similar to those made on a surfboard, so you will give your body physical commands similar to the one you will need at sea. All these sensations will help you to perfect and memorize different maneuvers.

Surf videos

You can watch videos of other surfers and study movements that are impossible for you to then try and overcome your limits, but it is also important that they record you directly, since you will see the reality of your surfing and know if you can improve the position of your feet, the take-off or different turns.

Monitor your mood

If you are going to start surfing and you don’t have a good attitude will be reflected at the moment of surfing, be it fear, tension, or other personal problems you should leave them in the sand and let the good vibes flow, the happiness will invade your body!!

Participate in championships

The competitiveness, the great concentration and the desire to win will make you try your best when taking a wave, in addition to these, in competitions you will see great surfers in action, which will encourage you to be better you too!

Not everything is theory

The instructors cannot teach you everything at the time of entering to the water, each wave has a different behavior and you cannot give an absolute solution, it’s up to you to connect with the sea and simply feel the glide of the waves while you let the movements come out naturally.


Now you are ready to go to the sea! Remember to always take care of nature, other surfers and above all have fun and enjoy the waves!


📸Photo credit: Fabiana Lovato